Recommendations By Typical Singkawang West Kalimantan

Singkawang is a small town in the province of West Kalimantan, Indonesia. The city has a population of about 40,000 people and is famous for its seafood dishes.

The city also produces various types of handicraft products such as Kolodel (made of coconut shells), Gading (stone carved into various forms of animal ornaments), Keringkam (Lion's Nest) which is a traditional Chinese-style house with three layers and a dragon-shaped dome made of bamboo. bamboo, Plate cloth (a type of cloth from the Chinese community that is usually displayed during Chinese New Year celebrations).

There are also other souvenirs sold here such as Pinggan Bunga which is made of ceramic material with various floral motifs such as roses, cherry blossoms, sunflowers which are used by tourists to take home before returning home after their visit to Singkawang.

The following are recommendations by typical Singkawang, West Kalimantan

1. Kolodel, a handicraft product made from coconut shells and wood shavings.

Kolodel is a handicraft product made from coconut shells and wood shavings. This is a folk art originating from Singkawang, West Kalimantan, Indonesia.

These handicrafts have been very popular since becoming famous as souvenirs for visitors to the province. The price of this product may vary depending on where you buy it; however, most sellers will charge around IDR 15,000 per set (5 pieces).

2. Ivory, a type of stone carved into various forms of animal ornaments.

Ivory, a type of stone carved into various forms of animal ornaments. The types of animals that are commonly carved into ornaments are elephants, dragons, lions and tigers. Ivory is made from elephant tusk which is a very expensive souvenir and high quality material for other products such as decorative items for furniture or crafts for clothing.

Elephant tusks can be found in many places around the world, but Borneo has many varieties unique to the region such as "ax" (the type with holes), "pumpkin" (with seeds), or even a suction cup shape called "" us".

3. Drykam (Lion's Nest) is a traditional Chinese-style house with three layers and a dragon-shaped dome made of bamboo.

Drykam (Lion's Nest) is a traditional Chinese style house with three layers and a dragon-shaped dome made of bamboo. The main building has two floors, with the upper floor being used for storage and the lower floor for living quarters.

This house has three rooms: one on each floor plus an open space in between that serves as the entrance to your home. You can also look through this space into other buildings, but not directly into them because they are all hidden behind trees or bushes.

The second floor of Keringkam houses bedrooms and bathrooms; no windows here as it will let in too much light during the day when you need some privacy from your neighbours!

On the second floor there are two small balconies where you can enjoy the fresh air while eating breakfast on one side or watching television at night on the other (depending on how much money you want to spend).

We recommend climbing this ladder as it is much faster than descending the stairs which usually involves getting stuck in the middle of the road due to the slippery stairs which doesn't always make sense when trying to climb quickly without falling onto someone else at the bottom which could be injured if not careful enough heart."

4. Plate cloth, a type of cloth from the Chinese community which is usually displayed during Chinese New Year celebrations.

A dishcloth is a type of cloth that is usually displayed during Chinese New Year celebrations. Made of cotton, can be used as a tablecloth or wall decoration. Plate cloth has been around for hundreds of years and has become one of the most popular types of Chinese cloth today.

The tablecloth is usually red, but sometimes it can also be black or brownish red depending on what kind of design you want to use for your product manufacturing company branding strategy (public relations).

5. Lobster, a type of souvenir commonly used by tourists to take home as souvenirs for their families. The price is quite expensive, which is IDR 250 thousand per kilogram.

Lobster is a popular souvenir and seafood dish in Singkawang. Lobsters are also believed to have medicinal properties, so they are commonly used by tourists to take home as souvenirs for their families. Lobster prices vary depending on the size and quality of your purchase. If you want to buy fresh lobster from the market, then the price ranges from IDR 16 - 22 per kilogram (USD 2 - 4).

6. Flower Plate

souvenirs made of ceramic material and have various floral motifs such as roses, cherry blossoms, and sunflowers, which are also often used as souvenirs by tourists to take to their relatives in the city they are going to after their visit to Singkawang .

The souvenirs are made of ceramic material and have various floral motifs such as roses, cherry blossoms, and sunflowers. These are also often used as souvenirs by tourists to take to their relatives in the destination city after their visit to Singkawang.

A flower plate or flower headdress can be worn on the head or on the shoulder with a ribbon around it. This decoration usually consists of two large roses placed on top of each other forming a small castle-like structure; This design gives an elegant look when worn with your hair color!

Souvenirs: most people come to Singkawang to enjoy their seafood dishes then buy souvenirs before going home

Souvenirs: most people come to Singkawang to enjoy the seafood dishes and then buy souvenirs before returning home. The most popular souvenir was lobster, followed by ivory and cloth plates. The most expensive souvenir is a lobster with a price of IDR 50 million ($4).

The most popular souvenirs are cloth plates (funny forget), which can be made into bags or clothes with embroidered motifs on them. The price is between IDR 15 - 20 thousand ($1 - 2) per square meter depending on the quality level.

Singkawang, West Kalimantan is a unique place that has abundant natural resources and is rich in culture. This can be seen in the products made here, such as Kolodel, Gading and Keringkam (Lion's Nest), and others. Tourists who come to visit Singkawang West Kalimantan should remember that they need to bring their own food when they go shopping so they don't have to pay too much money for it later!

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